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Typographic Voice

In this project I saw Typography in a whole new spotlight where typeface and its font family plays a huge role in the compositional factor of Visual communication in Design.

For starters we learned the compositional layout value of type forms with a traditional inking method on paper. We were told to replicate existing typefaces, taking care of negative spacing, strokes/width, and neatness.

All of the typefaces I used in my work are somewhat connected to my personality.

Keywords being: Mood Driven, Rule breaker, Free-willed, Bold abrupt decision maker.

What I wanted my typeface to feature: Flowy (not too stiff), Legible, Not too complicated but has unique features.

This assignment required a whole lot of patience and a good sense of proportionality. I tried out three different layouts.

  1. In this I used two different kinds of typefaces, crafty and script.

  2. In the next one I inked out a 4 lettered word layouting the letters according to their size and dimensions on an A3 sheet with a bold typeface.

  3. For the last one I used two differeng typefaces to build my own nickname in lowercase letters using middle letters in a comparetively smaller size.


For this assignment we had to analyse an existing typeface and recreate it learning its proportions, strokes, negative space.

This helped me understand the formation of strokes in a typeface and a slight idea of how a typeface is formed taking a given style throughout making it appear as a family altogether.

Below are the Uppercase and Lowercase letters of alphabets in english of the,

Designer: James Edmondson



For this assignment we had to go out of the studio and find typeface in our environment and recreate one of them.

  • I went out, walked around for a few hours and clicked pictures of type I found interesting when I ended up picking a graffiti art I found on street wall.

  • I studied the strokes and the individual art style, arm movements and also studied about universal graffiti styles.

The Graffiti I found was named HOLLOWS. Hollow graffiti are the ones that has only one color is not filled inside.

  • After analysing strokes and arm movement on a small scale I used a bigger scale for my arm movements to be more precise and flowy.

  • I came up with a few words that match and go well with the typeface that I could recreate in my own way, Quirky, Kinky, Quitter, Twisted, Lopsided.

I went along with Kinky that went along the most with the Type and figured out the letter formation in the existing style.


Making of the Graffiti- Time Lapse

Failed attempt to do it on the floor- Time Lapse.

The spray can doesn't omit the paint properly when slanted towards the ground



For this we had to pick any typeface and Study about it, the history, designer and the formation of the typeface and make a poster about it.

I picked out a Bold Typeface, METALISTA, usually representing Metal Genre of music.


In this assignment we had to pick 3 typefaces and make brief posters of analysing them and showing a glimpse of the any letter by studying and explaining the space and form.

Things I looked out for:

  • Proportions (Width, Height)

  • Contrast in Modelling

  • Construction (Broken strokes?)

  • Shapes (Curves, Variants)

  • Weight

  • Terminations style

  • Ascender, Descender

  • Key Characters (Crossbar)

  • Decoration

  • Contrast within family (Fonts)


Making sense of Typography in existing environment- Windchime

Figuring out alphabet formation in a windchime forming a typeface of its own. Family of letters in a windchime.


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