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LJL Essence of Culture-2

"A community is a group of people who live, learn, work, play, and pray together. Culture is about how we do things, why we do things in a certain way and the values we share in common with other people from our community."

The main objective of this project was to learn about our cultures in deep and not only know the material but the non material objectives of it. We as a society need to know the meaning behind why we do what we do.

Tools of Inquiry: Semi-Structured Interview and 5W-1H

Semi-Structured Interview basically consists of an interviewer and an interviewee. The interviewer prepares some open ended questions beforehand and present them to the interviewee with the main focus being not to have their own influence on the interviewee's replies. The flow of the questions can be changed according to the situation. This being a very flexible means to receive answers in a wide range but we need to be careful that we stay on the right track because sometimes the replies can be unrelated to the questions and the interviewer not focusing could lead to a change of pathway.

I look forward to using this method to learn about the non material in different things to now about people easily and in a spontaneous way.


This method of inquiry consists of Five W's and One H as mentioned in the image below.

This helps in asking questions to self or someone else to know about the thing in depth. We sometimes tend to think we're out of questions when we've multiple questions right in front of us, at that time this can help generating some questions too.

With the help of this, one question can lead to other and in the meantime both the interviewer and the interviewee gets curious as to WHY really they do what they do. My interviewee was my long distance bestfriend and because of the differences in our cultures and geographical structure the interview got really interesting that at one point we even got distracted (getting distracted should be prevented).


Struggles: I mostly struggled in my final task. For one my assigned tribe, NDEBELE, the people tend to wear clothing with geometric patterns that keeps changing according to their age group and married and unmarried status. I kept wondering on what basis would they decide the change in patterns so I tried a lot to find out about this from secondary sources but failed at the end. After the presentation Anshoo ma'am told me

from which I understood how I should not only rely on the sources given to me and try to find the answer within the question itself.

Two, I struggled a lot getting work done by my teammates. I was done with my domain but we couldn't make the video until everyone was done. At the end when the last day came and they still weren't done I decided to help them out, discussed and studied about their domain with them. Even after that I had to make the final video in the last hour which I didn't mind but it was a little disappointing as a group.

  • Being curious about things by asking whys to learn about things in depth.

  • Made me curious about various cultures around me and learn about them.

  • By learning these new techniques I think now it's easier for me to inquire further about various things.

Final Outcome

(Click picture for direct link to Miro Board)

(Click picture for direct link to Final Presentation Video)

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