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LJL Journey of an Object

For this 3 week long project my group chose the kitchen product 'Lunch Box' in which we learned about the design and evolving nature of the chosen product in depth through appropriate research and appropriate design tools.



While buying a product it's human nature to look at the form of the product, it's shape, color, size, packaging.

Everything around us is designed is some or the other way. The products evolve according to the people's needs and wants. It can be solely based on emotions or functionality. Taking in consideration consumer's comfort, new designs come in existence. We wouldn't know what changes the product needs if not for the wants of the people. Communication being the basic and the most important aspect between the consumers and the designers.

Functional needs of the customer brings along changes in the form and material of the product through which people feel emotionally attached to the product because it meets their wants accordingly and they wouldn't want any other product until their factors of purchase changes.



A product can only match with the satisfaction of the consumer when the utility and usability are met as per consumer's emotional and functional needs.




Primary research helps knowing an individual's opinion on things which makes social, regional and economical viewpoints of local public clearer. I'd use primary source of research when I'd need to gather data that is useful for a specified research context.


  • Secondary data is the existing data whereas primary research is the updated version of the context.

  • The open ended questions makes it easier for the interviewer and the interviewee to question and answer respectively due to the follow up questions. It also gets easier because we can ask the individual to explain their context further.

  • As this research is done with the individual itself and there's no secondary resource involved, there's less chances of wrong information gathered.


  • The mood of the interviewee can affect their answers during the interview.

  • It can be very time consuming because of the interviewer forming questions beforehand and scheduling a meeting time for the interview. It could be very disrupting and disappointing because there are chances the interview doesn't get positive results even after so many efforts.

  • Sorting and deducing out the information collected can be very frustrating at times.

Two examples where Primary Research was used in my project:

Secondary Research is the existing data and can be researched and studied in depth because of the extensive sources. I'd use Secondary research when I don't know a person who's acquainted with my specified topic or when I don't need a personal view to my data research.


  • We already have the data on the given sources so it's considered time friendly.

  • Through this research we have various resources and abundant data giving us different point of views.

  • It's easily accessible at any time of the day unlike primary research.


  • Due to excessive data sometimes we tend to miss some points here and there because we don't have our follow up questions written beforehand.

  • There's no guaranty for the data found to be true at all times.

  • The individual view point can be ignored as the data online is collected with a majority people's perspective.

Two examples where Primary Research was used in my project:

Understanding Material Poster



During this project I realized mid project that all the tasks and activities are interlinked to each other directly or indirectly. Some examples are:

  • The TIMELINE and FORM STUDY were interlinked with each other because during the research work for the timeline I learned about the evolution of the form of the product making it easier to make observations for the form study which also quickened the process.

  • FORM STUDY also helped with the ERGONOMIC STUDY of my product because I was well acquainted with my product's form at this point. It was better in the terms of drawing process and taking out insights process too.

  • SLICE AND DICE helped in finding stakeholders for my STAKEHOLDER MAPPING task because knowing the basic details of my product got me thinking whose job that was which helped sorting out things in an easier way.


Least Effective:

I think I was very hasty with my Ergonomics Poster. According to me the visuals were nice and explained the context properly but I could give it some quality time to add more visuals to cover all the points and collect those in a systematic manner.

Most Effective:

Personally I really liked the visuals for this poster and it covered almost all the aspects for the ergonomic study and I think even if there was no text involved the visuals speak for themselves which was a plus point.

Side note: I've done digital art before but drawing anatomy this close was a hassle for me so I had to get some reference pictures which helped me in this. I was really proud when I finished my anatomy sketches.



Aspects of Project Delivery:

  • Making posters and layout for the miro board made me realize that the aesthetics and mood can be changed by colors and visuals.

  • Sorting out large information can be a hassle but putting it out systematically can help in better understanding for the viewer and the designer.


  • I think I did really well with isometry and posters in this project. If not really good I definitely improved a lot than before. It was even quicker in terms of form observation.

  • I take extra care with the layout for my Miro board in every project and I can say I was very satisfied this time around.

Key Areas of Improvement:

  • When I was told to note down inferences for my work I couldn't do it because I was very confused with the term inferences so i ignored it in the beginning but realized that was an essential part ahead when I understood the context of it. So I think rather than giving up on things I'm going to try to understand it until I'm not clear.

  • I tend to forget to use design terminology at places which I believe I'll get used to if I use them in my daily life.

  • I didn't put much effort into 3d forms or my product as I don't really like doing them.

"Designing exists with human's changing behavior"

Miro Board Link for Journey of an Object Project:

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